Configuration OpenGL with Dev C++

Tutorial Title: Configuration OpenGL with Dev C++ along links of DevC++ and glutming

Course: Programming

Instructor: Muhammad Samim

1. Download the Dev-C++

2. Link for DevC++ 5.4.1 MinGW 4.7.2

3. Install Dev-C++ in your system

5. Download zip file from

6. Extract glutming zip folder

7. We need only 3 files in this folder

i. glut.h

ii. libglut32.a

iii. glut32.dll

8. Now go to folder “glutming” then “GLUTMingw32” then “Include” then “GL” and copy file “glut” then go to Drive “C” (Where your devc++ was installed) then “Program files” then “Dec-cpp” then “MinGW12” then “Include” then “GL” and paste file “glut”.

9. Now go to folder “glutming” then “GLUTMingw32” then “lib” and copy file “libglut32.a” then go to Drive “C” (Where your devc++ was installed) then “Program files” then “Dec-cpp” then “MinGW12” then “lib” and paste file “libglut32.a”

10. Now go to folder “glutming” then “GLUTMingw32” then copy file “glut32.dll” then go to Drive “C” then “Windows” then “System32” and paste “glut32.dll”

11. Note: in Step 10, For 64bit windows go to “C” then “Windows” then “SysWOW32” and paste file “glut32.dll”

12. Now open Dev-c++ application Now go to “Tools’ Then “Compiler Option” and Check “Add the following commands when calling the compiler” and Type (Add the linker) in empty box “-lglu32 -lglut32 -lopengl32” then click on “Ok”